January: "29 - 30 - 31 Gennaio: i giorni della merla" (January 29, 30, 31: blackbird's days)

February: "14 Febbraio, festa degli innamorati" (Ferbruary 14th, Valentine's day) / From a photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt

March: "Marzo pazzerello, guarda il sole e prendi l'ombrello" (italian proverb) / Frame from "Singing in the rain"

April: "Chi dorme non piglia pesci" (italian proverb)

May: "Primo maggio festa dei lavoratori" (May 1th Labor day) from a photo by Lewis Hine

June: "2 Giugno, festa della Repubblica Italiana" (June 2th, Italy's Republic celebration)

July: "Sunburn protection, don't be a paleface" (Coppertone advertisement)

August: "Nella Roma deserta di un qualunque Ferragosto, il Sorpasso" (incipit quoted from "Il Sorpasso" film by Dino Risi)

September: "Oh quanto era meglio, mille volte meglio, che fossi andato a scuola" (quote from "Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi, from an illustration of Enrico Mazzanti, Pinocchio, 1883 edition)

October: "This is Halloween" / Jack Skeletron from "Tim Burton's nightmare before Christmas"

November: "November rain" / Slash of Guns n' Roses from the song's videoclip

December: "Dr. Seuss How the Grinch stole Christmas" (from the animation movie by Chuck Berry"